About Voice of Croton

The Voice of Croton seeks to provide transparent leadership and one that encourages and embraces community involvement. We are concerned that our current administration does not share the same concerns that we do about these new, large-scale developments that will exponentially increase our village’s population. Your Voice, Our Future.

The Voice of Croton would like to take a data-driven, systemic approach to accurately assess the impact the 100+ units, which have already been approved and under various stages of development, will have on our community – we seek a one year moratorium on development greater than 5 units. Your Voice, Our Future.

The Voice of Croton seeks to preserve our landscape. We are concerned with our current administration's surreptitious plans to rezone Croton. Your Voice, Our Future.

The Voice of Croton, Gary Eisinger and Nigel Ravelo, felt compelled to run for Village Board of Trustees because they felt village leadership was not listening to the voice of the residents.  Fueled by the 1300+ petitioners ignored by the trustees, they've taken to this write-in campaign.

Voice of Croton: Your Voice, Our Future

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Find the village trustee column, then go to the last row that says “write-in” and write-in our 2 candidates. Click here to download and save